Rash From WHOOP Strap: How to Treat and Prevent It

by | Jul 24, 2023

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Short Answer:

To prevent a rash from your WHOOP strap, ensure the strap isn’t too tight, clean it regularly, alternate the wearing location, and consider using a hypoallergenic band. If a rash occurs, let your skin breathe, keep the area clean, use over-the-counter creams, and consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

Dealing with a skin rash from your WHOOP Strap can be an unwanted distraction on your fitness journey.

They can be painful, itchy, or just generally unconfortable, resulting in you might not wanting to wear the strap, and missing valuble fitness data.

In this article, I’ll discuss the reasons for skin irritation, what you can do to prevent it, and how you can treat it. I’ll even slip in a few tips I learned from experiencing this myself.

Reasons Why You Get a Rash from WHOOP Strap

A rash from a WHOOP Strap isn’t due to a product flaw, but instead, it’s because of various factors such as:

  • The band being too tight.
  • Lack of cleaning
  • Not allowing the skin to breathe
  • Reaction to the strap material

These factors can lead to skin irritation, resulting in a red, itchy, and sometimes painful rash or even blisters.

How to Prevent Rash from WHOOP Strap

You don’t have to wait for a rash to pop up before taking action. Implementing preventive measures can help you avoid the discomfort of a rash. Some things you can do to prevent skin irritation from your WHOOP strap are:

Make sure the strap is not too tight

A tight strap might secure your WHOOP strap better but can also cause constant friction and a lack of air circulation, leading to skin irritation.

Adjust your strap so that it’s comfortably secure but not excessively tight.

If your strap leaves an indent on your skin, it is too tight.

Clean it regularly

Regular cleaning of your strap can help prevent the accumulation of sweat and bacteria, which can contribute to skin irritation.

While you can shower with your WHOOP strap on, I recommend taking it off to shower. Taking off your strap allows you to clean the skin underneath it, which will help prevent rashes.

Make sure to clean your WHOOP strap before putting it back on your clean skin. For more information, check out our how to clean WHOOP strap article.

Switch location

Constantly wearing the strap on the same spot can lead to prolonged pressure and friction, causing a rash. In fact, it took only 5 days of me wearing it in the same location for my skin to have a reaction to it.

The picture at the top of this article shows a blister on my skin from wearing the strap on my wrist for just 5 days.

Try to switch the strap’s location between your wrists every other day, wear it in another location such as your arm, leg, torso, waist, or ankle. Read our complete guide on other ways to wear your WHOOP.

Try a different band

If you’re allergic to the material of the strap, try switching to a different band made of hypoallergenic material.

WHOOP offers a range of band options you can choose from.

How to Treat a WHOOP Strap Rash

If despite your best efforts, you still experience a rash, there are steps you can take to treat it:

Let it breathe

Give your skin a break by not wearing the strap in that location for a few days. This step can significantly help in rash recovery.

When I got a blister from my WHOOP strap, it only took 2 days of not wearing it for it to clear up.

Keep it clean

Keep the rash area clean and dry to prevent further infection or irritation. Avoid applying harsh chemicals or lotions that might aggravate the rash.

Over-the-counter creams

For mild rashes, over-the-counter creams containing anti-inflammatory or antihistamine properties can be beneficial. They can help to reduce itchiness and speed up the healing process.

Some of these products include hydrocortisone and calamine lotion.

Speak with your doctor

If the rash doesn’t improve or worsens despite at-home treatments, it’s advisable to seek medical attention.

A healthcare professional can provide a more suitable treatment based on the severity and nature of your rash.

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Ken Lynch

by Ken

Ken is a Data Analyst in the Healthcare industry and the owner and sole contributor to The Wearable Guy.

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